The Critical Importance of Metadata Management in Data Governance

Undoubtedly, Metadata is one of the critical elements that enable maintaining the value of the enterprise data. Metadata is generated from time to time collected from the source and provides the means not only in identifying but also for defining and classifying the data. This enables technologists and users to use the content and context of the assets accordingly. With metadata management, enterprises make the right decisions based on the correct data. The definition of Metadata Management includes the setting up of rules and processes to enable the ability to access, integrate, maintain, share, link, and analyze metadata across the enterprise.

Metadata and its management during the system life cycle helped create silos of consistent metadata in the enterprise, which will help meet any team’s requirements and avoid ambiguity. Furthermore, it helps the users focus on how much they can trust the data, when the data has entered into the system and what type of business rules were applied.

As the business becomes bigger, more systems are added, and considering Metadata, how it needs to be governed is a challenge. Managing Metadata provides not only specific benefits to the business but also the technical users.

Considering the data from images, videos, document files, web pages, or spreadsheets, understanding Metadata Management is a top priority. Understanding the definition, structure, description, and limitations of the data protection against any misuse and ensuring data trust. Metadata management establishes processes and policies to enable information to be well accessed, linked, integrated, shared, maintained, and analyzed across an enterprise.

Some of the Metadata Management questions include

  • What type of data do you have?
  • Where did the data come from?
  • At which stage is the data now?
  • Till how much the information has changed since it was initially captured or sourced.
  • Who is the authorized person to use the data

Metadata Management and Investing in it helps to create benefits such as

  • Understanding how data is related to your business and also what attributes it does has.
  • By focusing on connecting the physical Metadata to the specific data definitions, business terms, and data models.
  • Consolidating the Metadata into a single source by automating the collected Metadata
  • Metadata Management helps enterprises to identify and to cross-examine the Metadata from different data management silos
  • Metadata Management is not only helpful in determining where to integrate the data but also track in regard how is moving and transforming
  • Unavailable or missing Metadata, most of the time, is useless, and when comprehensive Metadata is developed and maintained, it helps prevent data degradation and data entropy.
  • Metadata ensures the data, whether complicated or details, is well interpreted, processed, and analyzed by the data owner.
  • Data inconsistencies and issues within data sources can be well identified to improve the data quality.
  • It is simpler and easier to test the data for maintenance and moving the present systems to new systems during any effort of modernization
  • Helps in meeting regulatory compliances such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA), and Data Assurance to comply with BCBS 239.
  • When the correct data is discovered, cataloged, harvested, defined, and standardized as part of the integration processes, flaws in the audit can be well prevented.
  • Metadata management should be treated as an investment and not an expenditure in the era where data is your business’s lifeblood.
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Metadata Management

Metadata Management in Data Governance

Importance of Metadata Management